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2016 in Review
2016 was, in many ways, a year of re-birth for us. After a number of years with very few puppies, we were happy to welcome three litters (two of our own and one co-bred with Nicole Feltham). Early results for those puppies old enough to show have been very positive and we are excited about the journey all of our young hopefuls have in front of them. We also welcomed new additions, said good-bye to one of the greats and watched our performance dogs reach the highest heights.
After more than two decades of work and advocacy, we were also thrilled to see the gene responsible for Juvenile Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Toy Manchester finally identified. There is no question that it was a difficult and emotional journey reaching this goal, however we value this "win" for the breed more than any accomplishments of any individual dogs as it will have long-lasting implications for improved breed health.
As always, we extend the greatest thanks to our friends and puppy owners who make this trip worthwhile. In 2017, we will be marking 30 years since the birth of our very first Fwaggle litter and are looking forward to taking a walk down memory lane! In the meantime, keep reading for info on highlights from 2016.
After more than two decades of work and advocacy, we were also thrilled to see the gene responsible for Juvenile Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Toy Manchester finally identified. There is no question that it was a difficult and emotional journey reaching this goal, however we value this "win" for the breed more than any accomplishments of any individual dogs as it will have long-lasting implications for improved breed health.
As always, we extend the greatest thanks to our friends and puppy owners who make this trip worthwhile. In 2017, we will be marking 30 years since the birth of our very first Fwaggle litter and are looking forward to taking a walk down memory lane! In the meantime, keep reading for info on highlights from 2016.
In Memoriam
2016 marked the end of an amazing chapter for us and for our breed with the passing of Jake (MBIS MBISS Am/Can Ch Fwaggles Tapman at Burmack, A/CHOF, AROM). Jake was a once in a life time dog for us as his breeders and for his devoted owners, Jim Burrows and Patrick Mackesey (Burmack TMTs). Shown by Jessy Sutton, Jake's wins included an amazing 5 US National Best of Breeds, a Canadian National Specialty Best of Breed, a group placement at the Westminster Kennel Club dogs show, multiple US Best in Shows and 7 years as the #1 Toy Manchester in the US including two years among the Top 20 Toy dogs in that country. He also left his mark as a stud dog and can be found in many of the pedigrees of top dogs in North America and around the world.
But while his accomplishments as a show dog and stud are many, those who loved him will always remember him best as a kind, sweet gentleman. He was a wonderful ambassador for our breed at a time when Toy Manchesters were not typically competitive in the United States and helped raise the profile of the breed at the group level. Looking back over the long ride he took us all on, we are most happy and grateful that he lived such a long life and was a treasured companion--which is all that any breeder can ever hope for a puppy. Thank you Jim, Patrick and, most of all, thank you Jake.
2016 Highlights
BIS, MBPIS Can Ch Broken Wing's Twisted Sister at Tri-Star
Breeder: Patricia Blankenship Owners: W&A Kelly and C Horowitz Canada:
We were very pleased to welcome Miley north of the border earlier this year and thrilled at how well she performed. A puppy only until the end of June, in just a few months she managed to collect a total of 6 Best Puppy in Show wins and--despite such a short puppy career--managed to finish 2016 as the #1 TMT Puppy and #4 Puppy among all Toy breeds in Canada. In addition to puppy wins, she was also awarded multipls group wins and placements, culminating with an All-Breed Best in Show at just 13 months old and her second US major in California on the US National weekend.
We are very grateful to everyone who brought Miley into our lives (and remind ourselves of what a blessing she is every time she chews up the newspaper or the mail). Big thank you's go to her first Moms, Judy Ellis and Sabra Weeks, and her other moth, Carolyn Horowitz!
We are very grateful to everyone who brought Miley into our lives (and remind ourselves of what a blessing she is every time she chews up the newspaper or the mail). Big thank you's go to her first Moms, Judy Ellis and Sabra Weeks, and her other moth, Carolyn Horowitz!
MBIS, MRBIS NO/CAN GCh.Ex. AgMCh Fwaggles Million Dollar Baby, CGN, RA, NP, PCD
Breeders: W & A Kelly and Carolyn Horowitz Owner: Corey Titon Conformation:
The most amazing thing about Frankie and Corey is their ability to switch seamlessly between conformation and agility (sometimes in the same weekend) -- and to excel at both! At just four he has already earned his AgMCh and has two All-Breed Best in Shows and multiple Reserve BISs. Most exciting of all, he ended 2016 as the #8 Dog of All-Breeds in CKC Agility! Frankie and Corey continue to thrill us and we're excited to see where the future will take them.
BPIS Ch. Fwaggles 200th Time's The Charm
Breeders: W & A Kelly Owners: W&A Kelly and A Foley
Though shown very sparingly, we were pleased with CC's results. Now retired, CC has found a wonderful home with the Hamilton family. |
Fwaggles She's A New Endeavour
Breeders: Wendy & Amanda Kelly Owner: Sari Laitinen, Kirsti Kahrs, W&A Kelly
Maybe made her debut in December at Finland's largest show and thrilled us all with two wonderful puppy group placements from huge Terrier group entries that included more than 60 puppies representing 26 Terrier breeds. We are looking forward to watching Maybe in 2017 and beyond! |
Fwaggles She's So Glamorous
Breeder: Wendy & Amanda Kelly Owners: Sonia Guarin Z and W&A Kelly
Sonia waited a long time for Agatha to arrive but we're pretty sure she was worth the wait! We believe she is the only Toy Manchester being exhibited in South America at this time and she seems to be quickly collecting a crowd of admirers. We are looking forward to watching this pretty young lady develop! |
Can Ch TG Briarside's All Ears
Breeders/Owners: Allison Foley & Dr. Michael Tipple
Wendy has always wanted a Standard Poodle and we were incredibly blessed earlier this year when Bunny entered our lives. Sired by the incredible MBIS, MBISS Eng/Am/Can Ch Afterglow Maverick Sabre (Ricky) and out of the beautiful MBIS Can GCh Adessi Elemental Afterglow (Ellie-Mae), we're pretty sure it doesn't get much better than this. Of course we're completely biased, but we think she's the most beautiful Poodle who ever was. Amanda was pressed into action to show her several times this year (which was definitely an adventure), but it didn't take her long to finish her title and she is now happily decorating our sofa every evening in a decidedly shorter haircut. All kidding aside though, we are so grateful to Allison and Michael for their generousity and friendship.
MBIS Can GCh/Am Ch VATCh Fwaggles Black Orchid, CHOF, RN, CGN, MADC, MGDC, MSDC, MJDC, Silver Award of Merit, ExSt Silver, EXJ Bronze, EXS Bronze, VBA
Breeders: Wendy & Amanda Kelly Owners: Cindy Bayers, W&A Kelly
At 8 years old Miss Pixie is still going strong, thanks in no small part to the incredible dedication of her partner in crime, Cindy Bayers. Her new VATCh title represents an incredible amount of work and heart, which is never in short supply! |
ATChC Fwaggles T-Rex Is In Charge, ONYX, MADC, MJDC, MGDC, MSDC, MSCDC, AGMX*, AGMXJ*, ExJ Bronze, VBA, Silver Award of Merit, CRX-MCL, CHOF
Breeders: Wendy & Amanda Kelly Owners: Clara & Fred Theiss
T-Rex is not letting age slow him down, earning his latest agility honour at an amazing 10 years of age! |
Am GCh Fwaggle V Regal Arcade Fire, BN, RA, ATD, TT, CGC
Breeders: Wendy & Amanda Kelly Owners: Regina Allen, DVM
Quest & Regina are a great team and are continuing to advance in both rally and traditional obedience. |
It had been a while since we had more than one or two puppies in a year and we were thrilled to welcome several litters this year. Below you will find some of our favourite photos!
X-Pected Dine Mites Casino Royale
Breeders/Owners: Kirsti & Eirik Kahrs This year, we were incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to borrow James for seven months from his incredibly generous breeders, Kirsti & Eirik Kahrs. During that time he sired two beautiful litters for us and we have no doubt his influence on our breeding program will continue to be felt across future generations. Judging by his progeny, we are also quite sure he has a promising future ahead as a stud dog. Just as importantly, his presence here was a wonderful example of what true friendship is about. We are blessed to count Kirsti & Eirik amongst our friends. |
Proud Grandma's
One of the highlights of our year was attending the U.S. National in California where we were exceptionally pleased to see so many dogs with a Fwaggle bred or owned parent rewarded. Big congratulations are extended to:
- Best of Breed/Best of Variety: GCh Rustic Lane Sunshine Daydream (GCh Fwaggles Tragically Hip x Ch Rosewood Gold Dust) bred by Carolyn Horowitz and owned by Carolyn Horowitz & Madonna Lee
- Best of Opposite Sex: GCh Blossoms Life Of The Party (GCh Fwaggles Tragically Hip x Ch Blossom's Bandit Queen) bred and owned by Blossom Scott-Heim
- Select Dog: GCh Evrmor INXS of Blackwood, BN, RA, CA (GCh Fwaggles Tragically Hip x GCh Evrmor Gift of Grace) bred by Maxine Fox, Janna Morgan and Lou Novosad and owned by Lou Olson)
- Select Bitch: GCh Benison's Pearl of Great Price (GCh Rosewood Casanova x Can/Am GCh Fwaggles Mixed Blessing) bred by Karen Cornell and Dianna Texter and owned by Karen Cornell
- Award of Merit: Blossom's Let's Dance (Ch Fwaggles Tap Man at Burmack x Ch Blossom's Bandit Queen, CGC) bred and owned by Blossom Scott-Heim
- Award of Merit: GCh Rustic Lane Resident Evil at Fwaggle (GCh Rustic Lane Road Warrior at Fwaggle x Am Ch Fwaggles Original Sin) bred and owned by Carolyn Horowitz and Amanda Kelly
- Best Puppy: Blossom's The Last Great American Dreamer (GCh Blossom's Let's Dance x GCh Fwaggles Shake Yer Tailfeather) bred by Blossom Scott-Heim and owned by Marya Fittje and Blossom Scott-Heim
- Best Veteran in Sweeps: GCh Fwaggles Mixed Blessing (Am/Can GCh Burmack Gaenja Crusader at Fwaggle x Am Ch Scottwin-Heaven Hi Winddancer) bred by Wendy & Amanda Kelly and owned by Karen Cornell
- Best Puppy in Sweeps: Broken Wing's Twisted Sister at Tri-Star (Am Ch Heaven Hi's Dancing As Fast As I Can x Am GCh Broken Wing's Tango Dancer) bred by Patricia Hamilton and owned by Wendy & Amanda Kelly and Carolyn Horowitz
The same was true of 12 Toy Manchesters placing among the Top 10 TMTs in Canada or the U.S. (US stats as of November 30, 2016). We most certainly recognize that all of the credit for their accomplishments belong to their breeders and owners alone, but we can't help being proud Grandma's...
- #1 in Canada: GCh Deebet's Robin Hood (GCh Deebet's King Arthur x Fwaggles Reluctant Angel) bred and owned by Ted & Deanna Bettle
- #2 in Canada: MBIS, MRBIS NO/CAN GCh.Ex. AgMCh Fwaggles Million Dollar Baby, CGN, RA, NP, PCD (Am/Can Ch Burmack Gaenja Crusader at Fwaggle x Am/Can Ch Tropixfox Dreamgirl) bred by W&A Kelly and Carolyn Horowitz, owned by Corey Titon
- #2 in the US (Breed), #4 (All-Breed): GCh Bayside's Beginning (GCh Rosewood Casanova x Can/Am GCh Fwaggles Mixed Blessing) bred by Karen Cornell & Dianna Texter, owned by Dianna Texter
- #3 in the US (Breed & All-Breed): GCh Rustic Lane Sunshine Daydream (GCh Fwaggles Tragically Hip x Ch Rosewood Gold Dust) bred by Carolyn Horowitz, owned by Carolyn Horowitz & Madonna Lee
- #4 in Canada: Broken Wing's Twisted Sister at Tri-Star (Am Ch Heaven Hi's Dancing As Fast As I Can x Am GCh Broken Wing's Tango Dancer) bred by Patricia Hamilton and owned by Wendy & Amanda Kelly and Carolyn Horowitz
- #5 in the US (Breed & All-Breed): GCh Blossoms Jasmine Dreams (GCH Blossom's Let's Dance X GCH Fwaggles Shake Yer Tailfeather) bred by Blossom Scott-Heim, owned by Marya Fittje & Blossom Scott-Heim
- #6 in the US (Breed), #9 (AllBreed): GCh Evrmor INXS of Blackwood, BN, RA, CA (GCh Fwaggles Tragically Hip x GCh Evrmor Gift of Grace) bred by Maxine Fox, Janna Morgan and Lou Novosad and owned by Lou Olson)
- #7 in Canada: Fwaggles 200th Time's The Charm (Am Ch Fwaggles I Am Legend at Fwaggle x Am/Can/CFI Ch Fwaggles Pre-A-Porter) bred by W&A Kelly and owned by W&A Kelly and Allison Foley
- #8 in the US (Breed), #10 (All-Breed): GCh Blossoms Life Of The Party (GCh Fwaggles Tragically Hip x Ch Blossom's Bandit Queen) bred and owned by Blossom Scott-Heim
- #8 in the US (Breed) Blossom's Let's Dance (Ch Fwaggles Tap Man at Burmack x Ch Blossom's Bandit Queen, CGC) bred and owned by Blossom Scott-Heim
- #10 in the US (Breed): GCh Benison's Dance Of The Reed Pipes (Ch Rosewood Rebellion at Brubec x Can/Am GCh Fwaggles Mixed Blessing) bred and owned by Karen Cornell
- #10 in the US (Breed): GCh Spotted Oak's You Know Nothing (Ch Rustic Lane I Am Legend at Fwaggle x GCh Spotted Oak's Vampire Slayer) bred and owned by Jenell Tonini-Zanotto & Dante Zanotto